Say hello to my little friend. Couldn't resist that movie reference!
We started working with Executive Chariots in June via referral from an existing customer (Switch Consulting), and have already accomplished so much.
They're a wedding/prom car hire company based in Seaton Delaval. Their cars go from a classic 1974 V8 Daimler, to American Chrysler luxury, to an elegant Mercedes. It's all very affordable and their owner, Mark, takes as much care of the cars as he does the customers (link below).
We setup a brand new website, with a fancy new gallery, high resolution logo images, new blog and blog posts, rewrote all website text for SEO, as well as adding in Google Analytics & Google Search Console.
Off the back of all that, we setup their own site dashboard to track visits, search terms, traffic sources, you name it. They're chuffed to bits and already climbing the Google rankings!