
Google Search vs Google Ads

Organic Click-Through Rate/CTR (Google Search) The #1 result in [organic] Google searches enjoy an average CTR of 27.6% The #1 result is 10 times more likely to receive a click compared to a page in the #10 spot (there are 10 results per page, excluding ads) CTR for positions 8-10 are virtually the same: implying...


Executive Chariots

Say hello to my little friend.  Couldn't resist that movie reference! We started working with Executive Chariots in June via referral from an existing customer (Switch Consulting), and have already accomplished so much. They're a wedding/prom car hire company based in Seaton Delaval.  Their cars go from a classic 1974 V8 Daimler, to American Chrysler...


Meta Business Suite: Post Stats

Top Line Stats In the image you can see rows of stats for a set of published Facebook posts.  These were all set up on a schedule to post at the highest traffic time for the page in question - this can change each day, per platform, per page type, etc. Columns Impressions: number of...

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